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Rigol MSO8154A - Four-channel mixed...
Joy-IT SBC-RFID-CARD - A set of 5 plain RFID cards which are freely programmable. Suitable for Mifare NXP-RC522 13,56MHz.
Joy-IT SBC-RFID-CLIP - set consists of 5 plain RFID chips/clips, which are universally applicable and have a high workmanship. Suitable for Mifare NXP-RC522 13,56MHz.
SEEED 102010448
Seeed Studio 102010448 - Seeed XIAO BLE nRF52840 - Supports Arduino / MicroPython - Bluetooth5.0 with Onboard Antenna
SEEED 102010469
Seeed Studio 102010469 - Seeed XIAO BLE nRF52840 Sense - TinyML/TensorFlow Lite- IMU / Microphone - Bluetooth5
SEEED 113020006
Seeed Studio 113020006 - Grove NFC - Built around PN532 module Contactless communication at 13.56MHz. Support ISO14443 Type A and Type B protocols Support I2C or UART communication protocols Grove connector compatible
SEEED 113030001
Seeed Studio 113030001 - The NFC Shield includes an integrated PN532 transceiver module that handles contactless data transmission at 13.56MHz. You can read and write a 13.56MHz tag with this NFC Shield or enable point-to-point communication with two NFC Shields.
SPF KIT-15209
SparkFun KIT-15209 - The SparkFun RFID Qwiic Kit is a simple, yet all-in-one I2C based RFID starting point for the ID-3LA, ID-12LA, and ID-20LA readers.